© contains modified Copernicus Sentinel data (2021), processed by Earth Observation Unit Magellium Artal Group
What we do
We support space and environmental agencies in monitoring our environment. We transforme space data into value-added products (L3/L4) and services in different thematic areas such as climate and hydrology.
One main objective is to turn science activities into operational applications. Our activity is mainly related to the Copernicus European programme and aims at providing authoritative, open and free information from satellite, in-situ and models about the environment for stakeholders and end-users.
The team holds a strong and specific expertise in processing and assessing Earth Observation data for climate studies, in particular around mean sea level rise, ocean mass, ocean heat content and Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI).
In hydrology, our expertise covers both physical and biogeochemical aspects. We produce and deliver high resolution Snow and Ice for the Copernicus Land service (Sentinel-1 & 2) and are experts in assimilation of Earth observations (Sentinel-3) in large scale hydrological models. The team also provides water quality parameters from high-spatial resolution satellites (Sentinel-2, landsat), for monitoring health and biodiversity of inland and coastal areas.

We study and process climate, environmental and hydrological data.
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Our Expertise
Data assimilation
Data analytics
Development of operational processing chains
Key projects
We take part in many climate, environment and hydrology projects. Some major ones are listed here :
Copernicus High Resolution Snow&Ice Service for EEA
We are leading, under EEA delegation, a sustainable and operational pan-European high-resolution snow and ice service based on Sentinel-1 and Sentinel-2.
The products are provided in real time over Europe with information on fractional snow cover, snow state conditions, permanent snow line and river and lake ice extent.
The Copernicus snow and ice service benefits from pre-existing initiatives like « Theia » supported by Cesbio and CNES, or from our other partners FMI, ENVEO and Astri Polska.
Learn more here.
The ESA MOHeaCAN project has successfully explored the feasibility to monitor the Global Ocean Heat Content (OHC) from Earth Observation (EO) based (altimetry – gravimetry) data. It was the first time that global OHC changes and related changes in Earth Energy Imbalance (EEI) were estimated from Spatial Observations.
The objective of the 4DAtlantic-OHC project is focused on the Atlantic ocean and provides the opportunity to extend the MOHeaCAN’s work at regional scale where new challenges need to be taken up. Indeed, a series of processes and parameters (coastal area, mixed layer variability,…) that could be neglected at global scale cannot be neglected at regional scale anymore. Thus, we need to explore the capability of EO missions and EO-based products in terms of space and time resolution to monitor the regional OHC in the Atlantic ocean. In addition, we need to develop a proper scheme to characterise and then propagate the uncertainty of the input measurements for deriving reliable uncertainties of the final estimate of the regional OHC.
Learn more here.
OBS2C0 (water quality) for CNES
Regularly and accurately monitoring the water quality in the lakes and rivers combining satellite, Earth observations and in-situ measurements is essential to support ecological preservation, local livelihoods, sustainable development, and peace.
The objective of the OBS2CO project is to develop and consolidate an innovative processing chain dedicated to key water color and quality parameters from Sentinel-2 and Landsat data.

Example of processing applied by our team on a raw image from Sentinel-2 for the Snow&Ice programme.
© European Union, Copernicus Land Monitoring Service 2021, European Environment Agency

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The Earth Observation Unit of Magellium is an expert in optical space missions and geophysical and biophysical applications. The EO unit provides high level of expertise and full capacity on the whole processing chain, enabling it to respond to all projects from the greatest space orders such as ESA and CNES.