Terms of use
MAGELLIUM, Société par Actions Simplifiée with a share capital of 1 000 000 euros, registered within the French « Registre du commerce et des sociétés » of Toulouse under n°450 550 991, with Head quarter located at 1 rue Ariane – Parc Technologique du Canal – 31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne (France).
APE Code 6201Z / VAT n°: FR 83 450 550 991
Phone : +33 (0) (local rates from a fixed landline)
Email contact : webmaster@magellium.fr
Publication editor
FINANCES GESTION ET DEVELOPPEMENT, Société par Actions Simplifiée with a share capital of 1 000 049 euros, registered within the French « Registre du commerce et des sociétés » of Toulouse under n°528 808 561, with Head quarter located at 1 rue Ariane – Parc Technologique du Canal – 31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne (France), Chairman of MAGELLIUM SAS itself represented by its Chairman Mr. Pierre DUVERNEUIL.
Phone : +33 (0) (local rates from a fixed landline)
Email contact: webmaster@magellium.fr
The website https://earthobservation.magellium.com (www.magellium.fr, www.magellium.com) was developed and is hosted by : MAGELLIUM, Société par Actions Simplifiée with a share capital of 1 000 000 euros, registered within the French «Registre du commerce et des sociétés » of Toulouse under n°450 550 991, with Head quarter located at 1 rue Ariane – Parc Technologique du Canal – 31520 Ramonville Saint-Agne (France).
APE Code 6201Z / VAT n°: FR 83 450 550 991
Phone : +33 (0) (local rates from a fixed landline)
Email contact: webmaster@magellium.fr
The aim of these GTC is to define the conditions under which MAGELLIUM SAS Company makes available to you the web site https://earthobservation.magellium.com/ (www.magellium.fr, www.magellium.com), the contents and services provided therein (hereinafter « Web Site ») and the access conditions. Access to the Web Site and its consultation implies the acceptance of the entire conditions defined hereinafter.
MAGELLIUM SAS reserves the right to modify at any time the GTC, without prior notice or indemnity. Therefore, we advise you to check them regularly.
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The use of the Web Site does not give you any Intellectual Property Rights on it or on its content. All Intellectual Property Rights remain the exclusive property of MAGELLIUM SAS Company or of third parties having authorized their use by MAGELLIUM SAS.
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MAGELLIUM SAS reserves the right to delete all or part of the content of the Web Site, at any moment and for any reason, without prior notice.
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As far as MAGELLIUM SAS has no mean of control on the third parties web sites, you agree that MAGELLIUM SAS Company does not assume any responsibility related to those web sites, and cannot be held responsible for their content.
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MAGELLIUM SAS’s liability cannot be invoked in case of failure, breakdown, difficulties or running interruption, preventing access to the Web Site. MAGELLIUM SAS undertakes to take the necessary actions within a reasonable period of time in case of failure to run or defects preventing access to all the Web Site, in order to restore access to the Web Site or to inform the users. MAGELLIUM SAS reserves the possibility to suspend at any time the access to the Web Site for maintenance, evolution or correction purposes.
MAGELLIUM SAS cannot, within the limit of applicable law, be held responsible for all damages, whether direct or indirect, material or non-material, or any other kind of damage, resulting from the unavailability of the Web Site, the use of the Web Site and/or its content. The term « Use » shall be understood on a large manner i.e. all kind of use of the Web Site whether legal or not. You undertake to comply with the French laws.
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Use of information and/or documents available on the Web Site is under the sole responsibility of the user who assumes all the related consequences without possibility for MAGELLIUM SAS’s responsibility to be involved, and without any remedy against the company. If MAGELLIUM SAS is subject to an amicable or judicial action related to your use of the Web Site, MAGELLIUM SAS could make a claim against you in order to be indemnified against all losses, sums, sentences resulting from the procedure.
According to the GTC, MAGELLIUM SAS’s responsibility if confirmed by a court sentence, will be limited to a sum of thousand (1 000) euros which represents in the point of view of the parties a fair share of the risks and the resulting limitation of responsibility.
Applicable Law / Court
The GTC are governed by French law. All disputes related to the GTC which could not be settled by the parties on an amicable way within thirty (30) days after notice by one party to the other will be submitted to the competent court of Toulouse.
The Earth Observation Unit of Magellium is an expert in optical space missions and geophysical and biophysical applications. The EO unit provides high level of expertise and full capacity on the whole processing chain, enabling it to respond to all projects from the greatest space orders such as ESA and CNES.