Philippe Baptiste, President of CNES, visited the Magellium site in Toulouse on June 1, 2022. Accompanied by François Sillon (CNES Technical Director) and Philippe Kubik (CNES Technical and Instruments Deputy Director), Philippe Baptiste was welcomed by Pierre Duverneuil (President of Magellium). The occasion was to present the space activities of Magellium and to discuss the future of space.
An important visit from CNES at Magellium
Magellium presented its high potential space activities. These activities come from various fields: space robotics, innovative initiatives for new missions, Earth observation, etc. Among the projects, Joel Dorandeu, Director of the Earth Observation Unit, presented how the diverse expertise developed in space finds its outcome in the study of climate change and hydrology. Indeed, these activities represent an important aspect of the unit in accordance with the environmental concern.
First, concerning the climate, Magellium presented how the unit collaborates closely with laboratories like LEGOS. This collaboration allows the estimation of the energy imbalance of the Earth (through sea level rise, heat content of the oceans). These components are calculated using geodetic space data complemented with in-situ oceanographic data. Then, Magellium uses the scientific methods of the laboratories to develop and implement it in robust data processing. Therefore, precise information on the current state of the Earth’s climate system as well as on its evolution is made available.
Secondly, concerning continental hydrology, Magellium has expressed the need for partnerships. Indeed, these multiple partnerships are essential in a field that is necessarily multidisciplinary whatever the targeted applications. With the expertise already present in laboratories and industry, there is a unique opportunity to take advantage of a treasure of spatial and in-situ information. This will also allow the emergence of an operational hydrology service at the service of applications.
CNES, a long-standing supporter

In the history of Magellium, the CNES, Centre Nationale d’Etudes Spatiales, has a very important place. Indeed, Magellium was initially created to meet the needs of CNES. This trust and support from CNES has enabled Magellium to ensure its place in the space market. In addition, a new cooperation on these subjects would allow a significant advance in the field of Earth observation.
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Caption :
Image 1 (from left to right) : Alain Fabre (Magellium Financial Director), Philippe Kubik (Technical & Instruments Deputy Director), François Sillon (Technical and Digital Director), Philippe Baptiste (CNES President), Pierre Duverneuil (Magellium President), Joel Dorandeu (Earth Observation Unit Director)
Image 2 (from left to right) : Philippe Kubik, François Sillon, Philippe Baptiste, Alain Lapeyre (Senior Business Manager Magellium), Pierre Duverneuil, Joel Dorandeu