METImage (acronym VII) is an imaging instrument on the Metop-SG A satellite
Design and development of the METImage data processing chain (as part of PDAP – processing chain for all Metop-SG instruments)
Satellites / Instruments
Metop-SG A satellite carrying 6 instruments including METImage (VII)
Stereo-restitution, Java programming language, spectral calibration, data processing, radiometry
From 2018 to today
The Metop-SG A and Metop-SG B satellites
Metop-SG A and Metop-SG B are the two types of multi-instrument satellites that make up the EUMETSAT EPS-SG. They operate in the same orbit with different configurations. The benefits or applications of this mission are focused on weather forecasting, climate change, air quality (atmospheric composition), hydrology, oceanography, etc. Metop-SG A is also the satellite with the 3MI instrument.
The METImage mission
MetImage (VII) is one of the instruments on Metop-SG A. It is a visible and infrared imager developed by DLR. It provides information on clouds, cloud cover, surface characteristics, ground temperature, ice and surface water. This is made possible by:
- a large number of spectral channels to measure more variables
- higher spatial sampling (500 m): more complete coverage
- better radiometric resolution for more accurate quantification
The EUMETSAT HQ MCC (Mission Control Centre) is composed, among others, of the PDAP (Payload Data Acquisition and Processing) in charge of the acquisition and processing of instrument data, in particular from VII.
Illustration du satellite METOP-SG A
The unit is in charge of implementing the PGFs (Processing Generation Functions) of instrument VII in the PDAP processing chains. This processing allows the generation of L1B and L2CM level products:
- L1B (level 1B): calibrated and navigated radiances in 20 spectral channels at 500 m sampling
- L2CM (level 2 cloud mask)
More details on the MetImage mission can be found on the EUMETSAT website.
The objectives
Operational perimeter at ground segment level :
- Design and implementation of PGFs for the METImage instrument allowing the generation of L1B and L2CM products
- Integration into the complete and operational processing chains (PDAP)
- Validation using data generated by GPP VII
Key words
observation, satellite, ground segment, METImage, VII, PDAP, climate, EUMETSAT, METOP-SG
The Earth Observation Unit of Magellium is an expert in optical space missions and geophysical and biophysical applications. The EO unit provides high level of expertise and full capacity on the whole processing chain, enabling it to respond to all projects from the greatest space orders such as ESA and CNES.