Monitoring the global Ocean Heat Content (OHC) of the Atlantic Ocean from space-based observations

agence spatiale europenne esa


Monitoring the global ocean heat content (OHC) of the Atlantic Ocean


GRACE, altimetry missions



Geodetic data processing (altimetry and gravimetry)


From 2019 to today

Le projet 4DATLANTIC

On a global scale, the estimation of the Ocean Heat Content (OHC) is a very good indicator for monitoring the IEE (Earth Energy Imbalance). ESA’s MOHeaCAN project successfully explored the feasibility of monitoring the global ocean heat content from a product based on space-based geodetic observations (altimetry and gravity). This was the first time that a global estimate of OHC and related changes in the IEE from space-based observations was made.

The objective of the 4DAtlantic-OHC project is focused on the Atlantic Ocean and aims to extend the work carried out in the MOHeaCAN project to regional scales where new challenges related to geodetic data processing need to be addressed (coastal zone, taking into account salinity variations…). 

4datlantic ocean heat content earth energy imbalance

Heat content of the Atlantic Ocean

The 4DAtlantic-OHC project is funded by the European Space Agency (ESA).

Find more information on the 4DAtlantic project website.

The objectives

    Estimating the ocean heat content (OHC) over the Atlantic Ocean using space geodetic data

    Conduct a scientific study to better understand the role of the Atlantic Ocean in the climate system

    Promote and transfer the results of the project to implement solutions for society

      Key partners

      ESA, National Oceanographic Centre, LOPS, Mercator Ocean, Met Office, LEGOS, CNES, CNRS, Barcelona Supercomputing Center

      Key words

      observation, satellite, earth, studies, OHC, ocean heat content, EEI, earth energy imbalance, Atlantic Ocean, climate, altimetry, gravity, in-situ data

      observation de la terre


      The Earth Observation Unit of Magellium  is an expert in optical space missions and geophysical and biophysical applications. The EO unit provides high level of expertise and full capacity on the whole processing chain, enabling it to respond to all projects from the greatest space orders such as ESA and CNES.



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